Knitting Paradise Login

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Account Login
Please keep in mind that the forum is run separately from the daily digest. So it's possible to be receiving the digest without having an account on the forum. Which means you would still need to register on the forum in order to post even if

Sign In
I am able to save the password to my computer (for all sites I go to) and I don't have to sign into anything. I have a personal lap top that only I use. I hate passwords. I long for the world without the necessity of passwords...or at least

Log in to knitting paradise
Go to private messages at top of page then address it to admin, type in the info you want to convey and hit send. When you get a reply it will go to your email if you are a member of Knitting Paradise or the Private Messages will be highlighted

Knitting Paradise - Forum
The home health nurse was here this morning to get information, go over my medications and change the dressings on my incision and my bedsore. The information gathering took a lot longer than I had expected. I'm doing well now, but still have

Knitting Digest
on our forum. You need a forum account in order to post. (The forum is run separately from the daily digest. So it's possible to be receiving the digest without having an account on the forum. Which means you would still need to register on

Ravelry Login
try rebooting your computer. That's always the first thing to do with a problem like this. There could be something hanging up in the memory that won't allow the site to open. Mine opened just fine this morning.

Format of Knitting Paradise
Has there been a change to the format here at Knitting Paradise? I no longer have a screen that list the newest topics, the section where folks are asking questions and the section of posted pictures. Now I'm getting everything all in one.